I wonder what someone who found my moleskin would think? In my head it plays as some random (Hot! of course) Italian publisher who finds it, he reads it, thinks everything is incredibly well written (although we know it isn't) and deep.
After reading it he publishes it but with plans on finding the author: me!
So, you still keeping up?
I'm in a coffee books store, drinking my coffee, pondering worldly thought and flicking through some books when one particular book catches my eye. I go over and pick it up, begin to read and then realisation hitting me like a frate train i realise its my writing.
Shocked, stunned and amazed i look up the publisher and get in contact with him.
We arrange to meet.
We meet in a quaint little coffee
shop, just by a fountain. I see him. (i did some background checking
and that as to know what he looks like). Tall, dark haired, slim with
shoulder length hair. Penetrating eyes and bushly eyebrows. He asks me
where i lost my moleskin. I say i lost it at the fountain, which is
where he found it. After a few more questions confirming it was me who
wrote it he asks me to dinner. (At which point my poor little heart is
screaming "OMG yes!! He's hot!!!", but with self control and just a tad of dignity i calmly say yes).
We have dinner in this incredibly romantic which i think is a bit weird for 2 guys but I'm going with the vibe. He invite me to his apartment for "coffee". And i think we all know what "coffee" stands for so, GO FIGURE!!!
Teehee, i like this little story, it will never happen but hey, a girl can hope.
loves ya people!!! XXXXXXXXX