Why do people still feel the need to shout 'GAY!', 'Bender', 'Poof' and
the like. Although these things don't bother me (well they do but i
don't doddle on them) and i have my own ways of getting back at them.
It more upsets me because of the lack of social growth/acceptance. It's
like even though these idiots really have no idea why shouting slurs is
offensive but they still do it. And it must make them feel 'big' or
'hardcore' but it really all it makes them is ignorant.
I really would like to hear from anyone who hates gay people? Why is gay so
offending? It's not like gay people come on to straight people, it's
not like its any different sex-wise because a straight guy can stick
his dick up a woman's' ass so...I Just Don't Know!!!!!.
Ok, getting slightly more blunt here. maybe a straight guy doesn't like the thought
of getting shit on his cock and a woman thinks that if she was meant to
lick cunt she could like her own but still if he's gonna do it with a
woman like that, guess what? Same problem! I do say now, this is more
directed towards the gay man because it's always been more of a problem
for men to be gay than women.
Oh well, time for a fag!! Brb. Ok
back. I do realise that it will seem like no time has past but i don't
think making you read '........' for 5 minutes is very nice. Man i wish
i could fly. Slightly random but i saw a bird in my fag break.
Lets get down and dirty here. Homosexuality is wrong in the eyes of
God. We weren't made for it so we shouldn't do it. This brought down
through a couple thousand generations and all the bad names that go
with it and then when somepre-pubescent chav squirts out a baby, all
that baby hears for the next 11 years of its life is 'poofter',
'bender' and 'fucking gay'. So when they are set free because there
mum's of her face and their dad's in prison they see someone they know
is gay and they slurs ensue but they aren't religious themselves but
they are using phrases from a religious background of hatred a
persecution. Wow, didn't know i knew these big words but yes, this is
basically my thought on the subject.
Really would like to hear back from people so PLEASE!!! Write back!!!!
Hey Steven, well I could give you the usual list of reasons like ignorance, insecurity, repression (so common up here) but you already know these. There's also fear. People get scared of anything different. Anything. So they lash out. It's pathetic and stupid, cause who really cares what sexuality someone is as long as tehy're not hurting someone..... But that is how it goes in this area isn't it hun?
But, be happy in teh thought that while the little chavs die of liver failure at 22, you will be away from teh rock, possibly in the arms of some hot Norse boy!!! :P
People just don't like different things. When they meet a gay person, it's like they're ten years old again. Regression. Weird cruelty like a kid.
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