Well, im on the train just now and have been for the past 3 hours. It's 12 o' clock and im SO bored! This is one of those same situations that im hoping for something eciting to happen. You know, anything, like, oh say, the train crashing...umm, well no, cause in that case then i dont get to go to budapest, but i dont know.
Maybe something like a woman giving birth, hrmm....maybe not. I would kinda want the thing to happen to me. But not like anything spectacularely exciting, just something oh, i dont know, like maybe a train romance. Hehe, oh dear, why do i always want romnaces when im bored?
Rhetorical BTW!
Well, i do know why. It's because i need a man! Anyway, Ginny just asked me if i was writing a funny story, aka, SHE WAS SPYING! I know she works for the KGB or NSB or something like that.
Anyway, conspiracy moment over, although i've been having lots of them recently, hrm.....maybe my paranoi is returning.
I just went for coffe, but ofcourse you guys didnt notice because, well duh, whilst your writing/reading time doesnt really go by unless your giving a constant timeline update and i can tell you, this aint one of those fancy assed bloggs, hehe, anyway. The coffe, ofcourse, is boarderline drinkable and the muffin so over priced that im sure a group of nuns in romania just burst into tears.
But, all is needed in order to no.1 blogg & no.2 make it through this train journey. Smoking hasnt been bad. Managed to have 2 at some stops. Better than the last time i took this train which resulted in me having to have a nicotine patch, forgetting about it, having a fag when i got to oslo and then nearly fainting from the sheer rush of nicotine and the 6 hours without a fag.
Im considering to start to pick at my muffin, but im scarred that all that excitement wont last ,e long *sigh*, im so bored! My friend Oda is travel sick, poor honey. She just came back from the toilet and she's not soundsing or looking to great. Ah well, hope she feels better.
Im getting to the half way point in my coffe, which means im going to have to save the rest for the drought i just know this muffin will bring.
First looks are a bit dodgy, slightly lop-sided but it smells good. It's got that generic muffin look of a lump of dough thats been bombarded by artificial blueberries, rather like, well, a teenagers face, but i shant doddle on this for too long.
First tastes, good, moist, sweet but not overly. From reading the Packaging im apparently now enjoying the "wild blueberries" so i can be safe in the knowledge that that these have come from some free-ranged farm where the berries are fed on nothing but pure love and hippy juice - insert cartman shouting "God Damn Hippies!"
IF, these are blueberries then i would like to intriduce myself as a cabbage from Barcelona.
It's not to bad really, i mean, i have caffine pumping through my system just now, and im enjoying the delight of a 'Wild Blueberry' muffin so, life cant be that bad.
1 comment:
Now I wants a muffin.....
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