A beetle runs up the page of my book. It gets to the
top where the pages part, i let them spread. Why? To allow a challenge?
To assert my power over such a meagre creature? But alas! This 'meagre
creature' has out smarted me, for it has wings and can fly, and so it
does. It flies away and that is that.
So, is this such a meagre
creature? It can do something i cant. I envy this creature now but i
also appreciate it. Although i can get onto an aeroplane and fly off to
destinations unknown. This, however, has been achieved through
mechanical means. What the beetle can do, and this is why i envy it, is
fly using its own body, manipulating the air like a Dolphin in water.
This has taken millions, billions even, of years to develop and
prefect. But is the human means of flight 'unnatural'? We're using
whats around us, combining things to our advantage. This raises yet
more questions.Aahh my life, an on going bombardment of curiosity in my head. This requires coffee.....
Life itself needs coffee^^.
I've always wondered whether beetles,flies, wasps, etc have thoughts. Thoughts of panic when they fly through an open window accidentally, and can't find their way out. Is it just me who wonders that?
What an amazing post. :)
I must agree, coffee has the answer to many of the questions that bombard the mind.... Or the buzz it gives is enough to distract your head from it's wanderings.
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