Depressive- a feeling of sadness, emptiness and feeling like nothing is good. It can also be the way someone or something appears.
This is a tricky subject. He/she is depressed lets keep away, we might catch it. Is it a disease? Can we catch it from close proximity? Or is it like a smile, spreading to those we meet? So many questions.
Nice- An action, description of somebody or something. Oh, she looks nice, but what if she's depressed? How can nice and depressive be mutually exclusive when they exist in the same body, perhaps in different forms but still there?
Ok, I'm not sure if I'm making much sense. But then again i don't usually. See, I'm nice to people, polite even. Why wouldn't i be? no need to be nasty. I may dress all in black and have long black hair but does that mean I'm depressed? NO! It means i like the colour black! These are some of the pre-misconceptions that people make. This annoys me, ggrr.
hehe, anyway this still brings us back to the question: Is Nice & Depressive Mutually exclusive?
Can an action of niceness be depressing? I think this is all a bit confusing. It all really depends on someones upbringing, their social group and the current events in their life. So, to end this train wreck of confusion, Nice & Depressive and NOT mutually exclusive.
You are my favorite emotional goth<3 I like it that way;)
Dude, you're really cool and all, but that photo scares the shit out of me.
Some people like black and some people like other colours. Nobody can tell people what is right too wear, and NO, you are not deprest just because you wear black. Just lissen to the song:
Johny Cash - You wonder why I always dress in black (or something like that)
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